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2024 Reunion Survey

Are you interested in attending a 45th reunion? Let us know what you're up for by taking this quick survey.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Are you interested in attending a 45-year reunion this year? (Please select one)

2)   What type of activity would you be most interested in?

3)   I'm willing to pay (per person):

4)   The best timeframe for me would be: (Check as many as you like)

5)   I definitely want to attend, but wouldn't be able to make it on these specific dates: (We'll do our best to work around these dates if possible)

6)   If we have a reunion, would you like to help out? Please include your name in your response if you would like more information about ways to help out.