I've worked, I've loved, I've married and divorced. I've always pursued my passion for traveling the world, and about 6 years ago this passion spread to viewing and photographing animals in the wild and in wildlife parks, as well as photographing natural scenery. Most recently in July 09 in Alaska with the grizzlies in Katmai and marine life along the Kenai coastline. I travel alot for work and add on weekends to explore and use all my airline and hotel credits to explore some more. I got scuba certified 2 years ago on the Great Barrier Reef and therefore had to add an underwater camera to my arsenal.
I worked for Sears for 20 years (starting at 16)moving up the management chain, decided to switch to human resources and worked for Target, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Circuit City and currently with FedEx National LTL supporting 6 states.
I attended Foothill Jr. College for several years with one career path in mind (international flight attendant), then went in a different direction after the air traffic controler's stike and subsequent airline layoffs. In my mid thirties I resumed school and completed a BS in Business Management and then completed a Masters in Human Resources and a Certification in Organizational Leadership. It's around my mid thirties when I embraced the concept of work to live, not live to work. I love my work, but it is a means to the end of providing me the finances to explore the world--with many many more places on my world map that still don't have pins in them.