Graduated early and went to Foothill for a year, then transferred to UC Davis. Started ski patrolling during the winters at Alpine and Northstar, got involved in search and rescue dogs and was the California liaison for the FEMA disaster dog program. Left the mountains after college and worked as a trainer at Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael. Got married and had an amazing daughter named Jamie in 1992. Deployed with the Sacramento Task Force to the Oklahoma City Bombing with a German Shepherd named “Colter”, and then came back and went to paramedic school. Trained disaster search dogs and sold them to fire departments around the country. Married Christopher Desmond (firefighter/paramedic with San Rafael) and built Tappen Hill in 2001. Currently live in Sebastopol and ride horses competitively in 3-day Eventing. My daughter is now 22, majoring in Antro Zoology and finishing up her last year of college in Helena, Montana. My mom still lives in Palo Alto and my 4 siblings and I get together often and walk through the old neighborhoods. Paly looks much smaller then it did in the old days…..