Rawley's Latest Interactions
Dana was and is forever and a day a sweet vibrant lady. Heaven has a new Angel.
Posted on: Sep 09, 2019 at 8:22 AM
Dave are you going to make the 40th? Would be great to catch up?
ello PALY Class of 1979 reunion team, 1st off thank you for putting this wing - Ding together! I would like a break down of what I am getting for $85? The PALY website says A roof over our head, dinner, and Music? I can't image this venue being that expensive per person, but then we are in Palo Allto. Also is it a sit down dinner with choices of a menu? Or a rubber chicken Buffet line? And for music? A $100 a night DJ or live music/Band? And does a bottle of wine come with dinner? Additional $ drinks at the bar adds up. So I would like more then a vague description of what -where and WHO my $85 is going??
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